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সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | Karnataka Cabinet accepts renaming of Ramanagara district as Bengaluru South

Porni Banerjee | ২৬ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৭ : ৩১Porni Banerjee

The Karnataka cabinet on Friday has given a green signal to rename Ramnagar district as Bengaluru South, said state Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister HK Patil.

“Cabinet has given approval to change name of Ramanagara district to Bengaluru South District. Same taluks will be there, brand Bengaluru and there was demand from people of that locality. The process of changing name will start and the revenue dept will start the process,” said HK Patil.

The government said that it took the decision to change the name of the district after taking into considerations of the demands of its residents. However, the BJP had earlier alleged that the name change was politically motivated to remove “Ram Nagar” from the district’s name. 

“The cabinet has approved renaming Ramanagara district into Bengaluru South as per the wish of its people. This decision was also made while keeping Brand Bengaluru in mind,” HK Patil said while addressing the media.

Ramanagara, Magadi, Kanakapura, Channapatna, and Harohalli taluks currently come under the Ramanagara district. They will now be part of the Bengaluru South district. Ramanagara district was created in August 2007 when JD(S) leader and now Union Minister HD Kumaraswamy was the Chief Minister. 


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07 24